Francine J. Paladino, D.M.D. | Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry | 856.779.7171

The First Visit

As a board certified pediatric dentist, Dr. Fran is uniquely qualified to care for your child’s oral health.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Academy of Pediatrics and The American Dental Association all recommend that a child should be seen for an initial dental visit by about his/her first birthday. In the same way that we believe in preventive medicine, preventive dentistry focuses on early detection of dental problems and education on nutritional guidance and proper oral hygiene. At this age, children are accompanied by their parent(s) for the entire visit. This is an opportunity for us to get to know you and your child as well as for you to experience the visit along with your child. Siblings or other children should remain in the reception area with another supervising adult. We will start by reviewing your child’s pertinent medical history and previous dental experiences and injuries. It is customary that young children in this age group lay in their parents lap during the examination, dental cleaning and fluoride treatment as this is a comforting position for both the parent and child.

Just as children are used to attending preschool, by the age of 3 or 4, most children smoothly and independently accompany our staff to the treatment room. This allows Dr. Fran and your child to directly communicate and further develop rapport just as they do with their teachers at school. In addition, this builds your child’s self-esteem and confidence.

At the first visit and all visits, Dr. Fran takes the time to discuss your child’s oral health, growth and development, examination findings and welcomes any questions or topics you would like to discuss. We all share the same goal for your child, to have a positive dental experience.